Hey hey!!

The Digivoice Projects are completed!! Want to check them out?? Find the nearest location hosting The DIGIVOICE MOBILE EXHIBITION!!

We'll be circulating the different projects through out these 6 different locations over the next two weeks!

Hope you can check it out!!


Digivoice is having it's FINAL Hui!!! EVERYONE who has had a voice project has a stall and we're going to be asking all of the community to come and see what's been going on - INCLUDING YOUR FAMILIES!! Get everyone to come along!! :)

Call or text Tara is you want more info... (021) 029 11124

What a project!

Hey! want to know what the other youth groups are doing? well! Here's the list!

Youth Organisation: MSL Course Youth Group: STATIX
Youth Voice: All Youth Have Talent!

Projection: We hosted a youth Hip Hop Event for Eastside Youth in July promoting that ALL YOUTH HAVE TALENT!

Will you be doing a stall at the final exhibition? YES!!!

Youth Organisation: Youthtown Youth Group: Urban Unity
Youth Voice: What it's like to run a youth event - team work importance!

Projection: We ran a youth event called STROBE! We did a doco on how we worked together to pull the event off!

Will you be doing a stall at the final exhibition?

Youth Organisation: Glen Innes Youth Development Programme
Youth Group: Rajiraj

Youth Voice: It's not cool to fight with each other when we all come from the same community
Projection: Making a rap about my youth voice and performing it at the final exhibition!

Will you be doing a stall at the final exhibition? YES!!!

Youth Organisation: Tamaki Intermediate
Youth Group: Tamaki Intermediate Health Committee

Youth Voice: Respect, Care and Love
Projection: Making a website about what we think Respect, Care and Love is ALL about!

Will you be doing a stall at the final exhibition? YES!!!

Youth Organisation: Tamaki College
Youth Group: Tamaki College Media Studies Class

Youth Voice: Education in Tamaki
Projection: Making a doco on what Education is like for students at Tamaki College

Will you be doing a stall at the final exhibition? YES!!!

Youth Organisation: Selwyn College
Youth Group: Selwyn College Media Studies

Youth Voice: Life Stories in East Auckland
Projection: Stories about youth in East Auckland and their achievements!

Will you be doing a stall at the final exhibition? YES!!!

Youth Organisation: Young Mums Support Group - Te Waipuna Puawai
Youth Group:
East Side Young Mums and Baby Mumma's
Youth Voice: What it's like to be a teen mum in East Auckland
Projection: Scrapbooks shared around the group with stories and pics.

Will you be doing a stall at the final exhibition? YES!!!

Youth Organisation: Creative Learning Scheme
Youth Group: CLS Students

Youth Voice: ...
Projection: T'shirt printing and bombing...

Will you be doing a stall at the final exhibition? YES!!!

Youth Organisation: Equippers East
Youth Group: Equippers youth

Youth Voice: ...
Projection: ...

Will you be doing a stall at the final exhibition? YES!!!

Youth Organisation: The GREAT Joining!
Youth Group: The Glendowie Girls :)

Youth Voice: Encouraging Positive Events for youth!
Projection: We're going to be hosting a positive youth event straight after the final exhibition!

Will you be doing a stall at the final exhibition? YES!!!

Youth Organisation: Maungarei Cadets
Youth Group: Digivoice Cadets!

Youth Voice: Get your Life into Shape!
Projection: We've created a play - script and all that we want to perform at the Final Exhibition about how we got our lives into shape!

Will you be doing a stall at the final exhibition? YES!!!

aannndddd we're back up!!! yaaayy!!

hey every1!!

we've been outta action 4 a bit coz sum1 or sumthn thght we were spam on at Blogspot!

But all goodies... we bak in action now!! hehe... I'm gonna post HEAPS SOON!! watch out for it! we're also going to be joined by a coupla youth support workers! so watch this space!!

The Map to all Digivoice Youth Groups!!

Rajiraj's Website Page!!

Check out Rajin's Website page that he made at the last workshop! shot brotha!

his link is this:

Kia ora!

Welcome to the Di-GI-voice Project website!!!

This project is for youth in the Glen Innes and surrounding areas.
It's all about THEIR vOiCeS and what they want to say to their CoMmUnItY!

TARA is the co-ordinator for Di-GI-voice
She'll be able to come over and meet n greet ya'll
She has info packs and is keen to come and meet any one that's keen to become a part of Di-GI-voice.

There'll be 8 WORKSHOPS that any and all youth can come to
They'll be in May, June, July and August...

There'll also be 3 HUI for ALL of the youth to come and meet each other
They'll be in May, July and September!!

TARA is the contact person for this project!
You can get a hold of her on...
(021) 029 111 24
(09) 521 8436